Inner Wave mitigation at Port Forum

Project description

The Forum Port of Barcelona was built in 2002. Since its assignation it suffers from agitation and transmission problems. The City Council of Barcelona has commissioned Enginyeria Reventós and the Maritime Engineering Laboratory of the UPC, to carry out the studies to define the solution and the executive project. The breakwater is a caisson with two crown walls and presents serious operation problems during storms which negatively affects the dock. To design the solution, tests were performed on the 1/35 scale wave channel of the breakwater section. It is planned to carry out tests in 1/10 scale channel and 1/60 scale wave pool in the GEAMA of A Coruña. Work in progress

Breakwater: 770m

Dock new mouth: 227m

Project data

  • Owner: Port Fòrum SA. BIMSA. Barcelona City Council
  • Budget estimated: 20 M€
  • Works done: Project