ENGINYERIA REVENTÓS, SL is a company reference in Catalonia in the design, managment and supervision of civil works and building, led by Management, we are committed to work to ensure the quality and environmental management in all our services.
The slogan of ENGINYERIA REVENTÓS is: Design to build, is the synthesis of our commitment to keep a high-quality standard in our duty and to be respectful with the environment and the social interactions that are in it.
In order to carry it out we commit ourselves to:
- Understand engineering as a craft that takes place on the territory considering it as a global environment, the environment and the social relations that occur in it.
- design giving value to engineering works, treat each project as a single prototype finding simple solutions to complex problems.
- Promote a work environment that fosters personal enrichment and continuous improvement.
- Cooperate with clients, administrations, companies and final users to understand their need in order to improve the result.
- Use the suitable tools as a functional means and also to enhance creativity.
- Make dissemination and pedagogy that highlights the social value of infrastructures.
Manuel Reventós i Rovira
Barcelona, 15th June 2018
Our Quality and Environmental Management System has been certified according to the international standard ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 by the firm S.P.G., which has been accredited by ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación).